You are here: Commerce Manager > Customer Management > Organizations > Creating an Organization Unit

Creating an Organization Unit

An Organizational Unit is a "child" or subsidiary of a Parent organization. Within Commerce Manager, you can assign an Organization as a Parent of another Organization. For example, the Parent company "Company X," and the Organizational Units are "Company X West" and "Company X East."

To create an Organization Unit, either create a New Organization or Edit an existing one.

  1. Enter in a Name and Description.
  2. From the drop-down, select the Type as "Organization Unit."
  3. Select a Business Category.
  4. Select a Parent Organization from the drop-down menu. Selecting a Parent Organization will designate this Organization as a unit (or in other words, a division, sub-organization, subsidiary, etc.)
  5. Click OK to save the changes.

You will see in the Organization Info View form that the Organization is now a child or Organization Unit of the Parent Organization you selected.


Version: EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 SP2| Last updated: 2012-09-20 | Copyright © EPiServer AB | Send feedback to us